Here are just a few reasons why independent creative florists are a much better choice on Valentines Day or in fact ANY day!
They supports the local economy
As well as being good for the community’s well-being and a sign of a good high street, independent florists along with other independents tend to recycle a much larger part of their revenue back into their town. They often live close by their business, employ local people to work with them and use local suppliers & tradesmen themselves.
They pay a fair price to the growers
Did you know that when you buy flowers from an independent florist, the grower gets more money for its product? When you buy from big retailers or online only a small percentage of the revenue actually goes to the one who grew the beautiful blooms. Because of the economy of scale, big business drive down the price to individual growers, very often with a detrimental effect on nurseries. Independent business pay a fair price to help keep the industry alive.

Ben Cross. Crosslands Flower Nursery, Arundel, West Sussex
They provide that Personal touch
Independent florists know what their locals and regulars want, and can bespoke designs to suit your individual and sometimes quirky requests. They can cater for YOU rather than trying to please a wider, much more varied public. You also get that personal touch and advice that supermarkets just can’t provide. Plus offer tea and condolence or bubbly and congratulations.

Tatiana Zharkova. of Bond & Bloom with the bouquet she lovingly made for Kyle Minogue
They source Unique & Quality Blooms
Supermarkets can be limited, in offering tried-and-tested varieties, whereas a specialist independent florist can pick and choose from thousands of unique and sometimes lesser know flowers. Floral consumers who realise the value of trusting the florist’s creativity over a generic internet or barcoded item receive much better and longer lasting flowers. Supermarkets, for example, focus too much on the mass market and produce bouquets that all look alike. That’s really not quite so special for your someone special.
They add Extra Love
Whilst making up your individual bouquets or floral displays an independent florist pours in their LOVE, Love for their job, Love for their hard earned craft and the wish to delight their customers.
Valentines day, or any day keep money in your community and help the small independent florists in survive and thrive.
Thank you for shopping independently.
Suzanne Taylor of Lytham Floral Artisans
See another blog ‘Putting Lytham on the Map’ HERE & See Directory Listing Bond & Bloom
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