Lytham Sports Fest Au6 16

Thanks to Guest Blooger Kira L Curtis

Today I want to introduce to you all a new festival coming to Lytham. We already have the Beer festivals and of course the LYTHAM FESTIVAL but this year, August 2016, we have a new festival coming to town. I’d like you all to welcome Lytham SportsFest!

Lytham Sportfest, founded by Mark Selby, is being run by a bunch of local “sports-obsessive” men and women who have the aim of improving all local sport facilities. In partnership with the local YMCA and other sport clubs, it will be taking place August 27th to 29th across Lytham. There will be Yoga on Lytham Green, running at Lytham Hall, roller derby at Lytham YMCA and all sorts going on at Park View 4U.
Here are their aims (taken from the website):

  • to hold annual multi-sports events in Lytham to include various local sports clubs & community groups
  • to encourage children and adults to take part or have a go at new sports
  • to increase public participation in exercise to improve health in the region
  • to support local sports groups with surplus income

I find an Infogram always comes in handy!

Lytham Sports Fest Infogram 

So far, things seem to be going very well and many people are showing their support, including popular shops in town like Stringers, and next on the agenda is to speak with the council. Hopefully all will go to plan!
Here’s a list of some of the activities taking place:
Lytham SportsFest programme
There are still many more activities to be announced and most times are to be confirmed but you can start booking your places on certain activities now by checking out their Website
Many activities will be free and others are extremely inexpensive so make sure you book your place!
For all you kind hearted helpers out there, they are still looking for volunteers to help out over the weekend so get in contact via Facebook HERE or Twitter HERE
Are there any events like this near you? What would like to get involved in? – I can’t wait for a good ol’ game of tug of war, how fun will that be?!
Ciao for now!
– KC xx
Kira L Curtis Lytham Blogger
I post YouTube videos every week and in the meantime I also write on this blog about all sorts. I enjoy a lot of things and like to write about a lot of things so you’re bound to find quite a variety of posts. There will be something for everyone!
Read more of Kira’s blogs