What’s On in Lytham St Annes in September
(and Fairhaven too)
The blazing hot days of high summer maybe over (but who knows these days!) but it’s not all over until next year, oh, no, in fact, September is turning out to be one of the busiest months! The main focus this month is in St Annes On Sea, although still plenty going on in Lytham and bringing back a traditional regatta to the Lake also.
The major event in St Annes Calendar is the (International) Kite Festival that has grown from strength to strength, where pigs and teddies, fish, ladybirds, octopus and a vast menagerie of animals do fly! It’s an abridged affair this year as there is no iluminated night flying, stage or fireworks and of course no international display, but it will be fabulous and a real family fun activity.
NEW for this year is a ‘Spectacular’ event at Ashton Gardens, with music, art, workshops, wellbeing sessions, activities for children and adults. see more as individual days
So here it is ‘at a glance’ for MORE details and tickets links (if appropriate) take a look at the EVENTS calendar, and call back . soon as it’s updated regularly plus there is a click throught to whats on at Lowther Theatre and the Island Cinema………..making life easier!
Disclaimer: Info taken from many sources, prone to changes, please contact the organisers directly or buy tickets (via links on Events Page) if you are coming to the area specifically for something listed here.