NY Resolution 1 – Give priority to people who make you feel good
Spend time with positive people
We all have them, it’s a fact. Sometimes friends and sometimes family. People who “bring you down”, people who make fun of you, people who give you their opinion whether you have asked for it or not. People that are always miserable, always moaning about something. Keep them at arms length…..you don’t need it!
If you need some extra help with a bit of positivity yourself, why not try a self help MP3 download from Lytham Therapies HERE (check out the ‘Magnet’ ones for attracting good things to your life)
NY Resolution 2 – do some form of exercise you love
Take up an enjoyable exercise
If you are going to do any form of exercise, do something you love. Something that gives you buzz, whether that be Zumba, Pilates, Nordic walking, tap dancing or Yoga, be it with people in a class which can be motivating in itself or on your own to start with……..and PLEASE don’t go whole hog buying lessons, equipment or gym subscriptions, well, just yet. Try it out first.
Believe me it works out very expensive it you work out price per visit or session if you only go twice in a year. Yes, I’m as guilty as anyone else!
NY Resolution 3 – Try new things, get out of your comfort zone
Shuffle your life
We do tend to do the same things in life, stick to what we know we like. What I have realised recently while using shuffle on itunes, is that I came across stuff I would never have chosen to listen to. I thought I’d try it in other areas of my life. So I’ve watched BBC Four/Sky Arts/History Channel for a whole night, got friends to loan me their favourite books, opened up a cookbook at a random page and made it.
In restaurants, bars and cafes, I have closed my eyes and pointed to the menu. It’s been an experience, and I have discovered new things I love.
If you always go to the same place (or area) on holiday, stick a pin in a map & go there! Familiar is good dont get me wrong, but maybe this year new adventures await outside your comfort zone.
NY Resolution 4 – Spend more on memories
Buy more experiences and less “stuff”
We all have less money to spend on ourselves these days, so we need to spend it wisely, but I have decided I don’t need any more “ stuff”. What I need is more memories. Whether that be a night at a country pub, or a spa day with friends, a visit to a gallery or a show. Lytham Festival, a Food Festival, a country fair, a weekend in a city or just somewhere I’ve never been.
I truly think that when I’m on my deathbed, I won’t be thinking: I’m glad I had fancy cushions or a Designer handbag, but I WILL remember the great times I had with friends and family.
Oh yes as well as all this, I’d quite like to lose weight and give up smoking as well! (Jan 2019 I have been smoke free for a year) I’m still fat though!
Some additional tips for help sticking with ANY of your resolutions Here